About Us...
NASC (North American Systemic Constellations) LLC is a Non-Profit Corporation organized in the State of Virginia. It serves the systemic constellation community in the Canada, Mexico and the USA.
North American Systemic Constellations (NASC) was founded in 2016 to ensure the creation of future conferences and to be a foundation for the growth of constellations work in North America. NASC built on the work and vision of past directors and other contributors to the conference, which began in 2005. These committed volunteers contributed extraordinary time, energy and passion, and many gave financial and other resources to developing these conferences.

Board of Directors:

Katherine Curran

Stephan Knierim

Susan Macknin

Tanya Mena

​Blanca Ramos
Jeannine Riant
Jim Shine

Building Blocks....
We believe:
  • In nurturing, fostering and encouraging growth and healing through constellation participation and active learning (or education)
  • In promoting healing and wellbeing through constellations​ Personally, Relationally, Spiritually, Communally
  • In supporting the enrichment and unfolding of the phenomenological field
  • In ​building meaningful and respectful relationships with other constellation communities
  • In the inclusion and acceptance of all beings

Our commitment:
  • To be honest with each other
  • To advocate for, and support, the unfolding of healing processes through constellations
  • To support the enrichment and unfolding of the phenomenological field
  • To be integral with words and actions
  • To be ethical
Our Mission:

The purpose of "North American Systemic Constellations" (NASC) is to organize educational conferences and other learning experiences that support the growth and development of Systemic Constellations as a healing modality, to help create community and connections and provide a quality learning experience for participants in the art of Systemic Constellations so that the far-reaching benefits of Systemic Constellations can be shared with the public.

  • Establish and promote educational conferences, events and activities that expand the understanding of Systemic Constellations.

  • Explore the intersections between Systemic Constellations and other healing modalities.

  • Promote and sponsor continuing education opportunities for participants interested in Systemic Constellations.

  • Sponsor public and professional gatherings to facilitate dialog between the public and Systemic Constellations professionals.

  • Promote a deeper understanding of the core principles of Systemic Constellations to interested participants and the general public.

  • Connect with those interested in Systemic Constellations from North America and around the world.

  • Foster a sustained dialog and collaborative relationship among interested participants about the art and application of Systemic Constellations in individual, group and communal settings.

  • Experience the richness of our field from classic constellations to remarkable new innovations and applications.

Our Vision:

We envision a world in which families, communities, organizations and nations use systemic constellations to resolve conflict, heal trauma, deepen bonds and express their fullest human capacity for compassion and creativity, so that greater love and strength are caringly passed down to each successive generation.